Mercy Health is comprised of the following concurrent boards and the Mercy Health Foundation.
Concurrent boards
Mercy Health Property Ltd
Formerly Marianella Nursing Home Ltd
ACN 082 093 150
ABN 26 412 756 615
Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd
Formerly Mercy Public Hospitals Inc.
ACN 614 116 013
ABN 74 762 230 429
Mercy Aged and Community Care Ltd
Formerly Mercy Health & Aged Care Inc.
ACN 088 254 460
ABN 77 191 901 062
Mercy Hospitals NSW Ltd
(formerly Mercy Care Centre, Young Ltd)
ACN 075 648 350
ABN 53 075 648 350
Mercy Health Australia Ltd
ACN 614 115 856
ABN 89 614 115 856
Mercy Health Service Albury Ltd
ACN 068 291 234
ABN 82 068 291 234
Mercy Palliative Care Ltd
Formerly Mercy Hospice Inc.
ACN 614 116 148
ABN 77 896 699 763
Rice Village Ltd as trustee for the Rice Village Trust
ACN 089 460 935
ABN 58 089 460 935
St Brigid’s Convent of Mercy Perth Ltd
Formerly The St Brigid’s Convent of Mercy Perth Inc.
ACN 617 402 767
ABN 57 714 505 919
Mercy Health Foundation Ltd as trustee for the Mercy Health Foundation
ACN 107 275 230
ABN 73 107 275 230
Charitable status
All of the entities that make up Mercy Health are registered as charities with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. For further information, refer to
Registered office
The registered office for all Mercy Health companies is:
Level 2, 12 Shelley Street
Richmond Vic 3121
Last reviewed July 31, 2018.