Mercy Health – Health Services achieved excellent results with full compliance to the standards in 2013 and 2017.
As part of our accreditation cycle, Mercy Health was due to undergo survey in May 2020 for New South Wales sites and August 2020 for Victorian sites however due to the coronavirus pandemic all health services had their accreditation survey delayed twelve months. Mercy Health will be surveyed again in May (NSW) and August (Victoria) 2021, by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.
In addition, Mercy Health O’Connell Family Centre (OFC) must also meet the Department of Health and Human Services Standards. These are service quality standards for department funded service providers and department-managed services. OFC successfully underwent accreditation against these standards in 2019.
Learn more about the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and how they apply to you.
Care first: Quality Account 2019/20
Last reviewed February 17, 2021.