
Read the latest from Mercy Health, including what we’re doing in the community, information on general health developments, and other news from around our organisation.

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Cheers to Australia Day at Mercy Health

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For many Mercy Health aged care residents, Australia Day is a time to reflect and reminisce about a country that has changed considerably during their lifetimes. In 1930, Australia had a population of 6.5 million, George V was King and the world was in the grips of the Depression. Now, some 86 years later, Australia…

Cheers to Australia Day at Mercy Health
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Intergenerational playgroups bring joy to young and old

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Mercy Health is passionate about keeping aged care residents connected to their local community and intergenerational playgroups are just one way we are achieving that goal. Intergenerational playgroups bring together very young and older people to encourage friendships, help prevent feelings of isolation and simply bring a smile to the faces of both aged care…

Intergenerational playgroups bring joy to young and old
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More than 38,000 babies and counting

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Werribee Mercy Hospital has been caring for the Wyndham community for the past 21 years and there are plenty of Mercy babies to show for it. As at 31 December 2015, Werribee Mercy Hospital’s maternity unit had welcomed 38,683 babies, including 399 sets of twins, into the world with open arms and caring hands. The…

More than 38,000 babies and counting