Lenka Hlavacova has donated an amazing 100 litres of breastmilk to the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank, which provides vulnerable infants with access to safe, screened and Pasteurised Donor Milk. Her journey in life shines a light on the importance of the 10-year milestone of the Breastmilk Bank, the only one of its kind in Victoria.
Lenka Hlavacova has donated an amazing 100 litres of breastmilk to the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank, which provides vulnerable infants with access to safe, screened and Pasteurised Donor Milk. Her journey in life shines a light on the importance of the 10-year milestone of the Breastmilk Bank, the only one of its kind in Victoria.

L-R: Lenka with her daughter Rozi and Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank Manager Chelsea Webster
Czech Republic-born Lenka lives with her partner Stuart at Ranelagh, just south of Hobart, having spent her earlier years in London and then some time living in New Zealand.
In August this year, the birth of her second child, Poppy, prompted another relocation for Lenka, Stuart and their older daughter, two-year-old Rozi. During her pregnancy, doctors diagnosed Poppy with congenital heart disease. Her little life has been spent in Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital.
I think it is an amazing concept that my milk might be able to assist other unwell babies
Lenka had looked forward to breastfeeding Poppy, however, the complex nature of her illness and treatment, including surgeries, has prevented this from occurring.
“It hasn’t stopped me from producing a lot of milk, so much so that I was taking up too much space in the Royal Children’s Hospital refrigerators,” explains Lenka. “About then I was told about the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank.
“After completing the necessary screenings I was accepted as a donor.
“I think it is an amazing concept that my milk might be able to assist other unwell babies.”
But not only has Lenka donated milk, her supply of more than 100 litres of breastmilk just about makes her a record donor.
“I hope that’s a good thing. I believe in karma and I just hope that by trying to do a good thing, it might help Poppy,” Lenka said.

Two-year-old Rozi showing off more of her mother’s milk
The Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank will celebrate its 10th birthday in February. According to Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank Manager Chelsea Webster, all aspects of the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank are booming.
“We are receiving more requests from women wanting to donate. We are processing more milk than ever before and more vulnerable babies around Victoria are receiving milk.
One reason for growth is the establishment of Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank satellite sites last year at Monash Children’s Hospital, The Royal Children’s Hospital and The Royal Women’s Hospital. Women such as Lenka can be recommended as donors from these three hospitals, as well as Mercy Hospital for Women, which is the hub of the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank.
“We continue to grow and our next step will be to find a larger location and more equipment to service all three satellite sites,” says Chelsea.

Just a portion of the milk provided by Lenka Hlavacova
A celebration is planned for the 10th anniversary of the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank to acknowledge all of the hard work put in by staff, philanthropic support and breastmilk donors like Lenka for helping vulnerable babies through the first few months of life.
How can I help?
As the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank rapidly expands, they need additional equipment, such as freezers, to keep up with the supply of breastmilk from each of the satellite sites.
If you would like to make a donation towards the purchase of this equipment, please visit: mercyhealthbreastmilkbank.com.au
Last reviewed December 15, 2020.