Please support the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank today

Franklin Edgley was born at just 26 weeks, weighing a tiny 808 grams. While being first-time parents was scary enough for Franklin’s parents Catherine and Matthew, they never expected to spend the first couple of months of their new baby’s life visiting him in intensive care.

Catherine had her heart set on breastfeeding Franklin, but the separation of intensive care can impact on a mother’s capacity to produce breastmilk for her baby.

With the help of pasteurised donor milk from the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank, Franklin has been able to grow, gain strength and receive many of the vital nutrients that are unique to breastmilk.

Catherine Edgley and her son Franklin.

The Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank has been operating since 2011, and has helped more than 300 babies. The much-needed service has expanded to major neonatal intensive care units across Victoria. We need your help to raise funds to purchase vital equipment including thermometers, bottles, pasteurisers and breast pumps.

We are most thankful to the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank for providing us with the opportunity to supplement Franklin’s feeds with donor milk until my supply was adequate for him

Donate to the Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank today —

You can help make pasteurised donor milk available to every critically ill baby in neonatal intensive care units across Victoria.



Last reviewed April 24, 2020.

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