An Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Mercy Health Statement

In late 2023 Australians will participate in a referendum proposing recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia and enshrining a First Nations Voice to Parliament in the Australian Constitution.

We are mindful that the impetus for this initiative comes from the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart in which First Nations peoples called for a ‘substantive constitutional change’ to better enable representation of and a voice for Indigenous Australians. In that statement Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people graciously invited all Australians to walk with them towards a just and better future.

After deep thought, discussion and consultation, Mercy Health offers an endorsement of the Voice to Parliament and supports the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum.

It is clear as the conversation continues to unfold that our community is not united behind this referendum and we respectfully acknowledge that the accompanying debate is divisive for many and, for some, deeply hurtful. To this end we encourage the Mercy Health community to reflect upon the issues the referendum is raising for them and for the soul of our country and to bring kindness, gentleness and compassion to this conversation.

At the heart of the mission of Mercy is the desire to ensure that all with whom we work and serve are afforded the utmost dignity and respect and that as an organisation we strive for justice in the delivery of our health and healthy ageing services.  We remain steadfastly committed to embedding a culture of reconciliation and justice for all as evidenced through our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.

May we continue to walk humbly together in our ministry of healing as we take our own small steps toward building an Australian society where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receive recognition, reconciliation, and justice.

Click here to download our statement.

Last reviewed August 2, 2023.

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